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Demons (Devils, Imps), Blurks, Kextuxixes, Mrkl, Norgs, Tahkus
- Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ (Ash Kaah-toke) is the lord commander of the demonic army invading Earth. He is the last owner of the human slave Paul Chapman and the Tahku slave Ť-loo-shss. He buys Paul as the first of his private gladiators, and eventually as an honorary member of his personal guard. He is killed during our counterattack on the demon homeworld.
- Ṕêh Ṣãṣ-håṕ (Peh Sase-haap) is the governor of Hell appointed by Goddess Empress Ṣêṣ Ṭåh-ṭõṣṣṣṣķ.
- Ṕêķ Ṭõṣ-ṣãhṭ (Pek Toes-sate) is the owner of the human forced-labor farm 36 and is the first owner of the human slave Paul Chapman
- Ṕêṣķ Ķõṣ-håṕ (Pesk Kos-haap) is the master of the slaves that built Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s mansion, slave quarters, and new coliseum in Prime City.
- Sêṣķ Ṭõṣ-ṭõṕ (Sesk Toes-tope) is the devil who owns Cotton Mill 3 in Prime City and is the original owner of Paul Chapman’s mate, Elle Lundin.
- Ṣêṣ Ṭåh-ṭõṣṣṣṣķ (Ses Tah-towssssk) is the Goddess Empress of 144 Worlds and thus the absolute ruler of the demons’ empire of captive worlds. She is the one who ordered the invasion of Earth.
- Ṭåk-ṣṣṣṣ Ķåh-ṭåk (Tack-ssss Kaah-tack) was captured by the US Army during the battle of the Yukon River Fire and interrogated and Eielson AFB. He wants nothing more than to remove the shame of being captured by breaking free and killing as many humans as it can before dying in battle.
- Ṭåṣķ Ķõh-ṭõṕ (Task Kow-tope) is the owner of City Coliseum and its stable of gladiators, including the human slave Paul Chapman.
- Ṭêṣķ Ṭõh-hõṕ (Tesk Tow-hope) is a visiting noble from the imperial court of the Goddess Ṣêṣ Ṭåh-ṭõṣṣṣṣķ.
- Ṭõṕṣķ Ṭõṣ-håh (Towpsk Tows-hah) is a general leading demon forces invading North America.
- Ķåṣ Ķåķ (Kass Kack) is the foul-mouthed little imp with attitude captured by the US Army during the battle of the Yukon River Fire and interrogated at Eielson AFB.
- Ķêṕ-Ķõķ (Kep Coke) is the imp that escorts Paul from the City Coliseum to Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s mansion in Prime City.
- Ķõṣ-Ķåṕ (Koas Cap) is the imp at Farm 36 who killed Park Chapman’s twin sister, Sarah, when she is severely injured in an accident.
- Baktabah (Bach-tah-bah) is the high ranking blurk gladiators at Ṭaṣķ Ķõh-ṭõṕ’s Prime City Coliseum who Paul beats to win the competition at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s villa in Prime City.
- Boss Bastakak (Bass-tah-kack) is the blurk overseer at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s New Coliseum in Prime City.
- Tabak (Tah-bahk) is one of the blurk gladiators at Ṭaṣķ Ķõh-ṭõṕ’s Prime City Coliseum.
- Koixko (Ko-icks-ko) is a kextuxix gladiator at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s New Coliseum.
- Boss Kosokox (Ko-so-cokes) is the kextuxix overseer at Ṭaṣķ Ķõh-ṭõṕ’s Prime City Coliseum.
- Boss Sokosax (So-ko-sacks) is the kextuxix overseer at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s New Coliseum.
- Sokoxko (So-cokes-ko) is one of the kextuxix gladiators at Ṭaṣķ Ķõh-ṭõṕ’s Prime City Coliseum.
- Bafsk (Baffsk) is one of the mrkl slaves responsible for taking care of armor, weapons, and shields at Ṭaṣķ Ķõh-ṭõṕ’s Prime City Coliseum.
- Bathox (Bath-ox) is an assistant cook at the slave quarters at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s mansion in Prime City.
- Boss Bibbox (Bib-box) is the mrkl overseer of the mrkl at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s new coliseum in Prime City.
- Foosk (Fewsk) is the mrkl doctor responsible for taking care of gladiators at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s new coliseum in Prime City.
- Foxix (Fox-icks) is a coliseum mrkl responsible for taking care of the human gladiators’ armor, weapons, and shields and helping them don their armor at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s new coliseum in Prime City.
- Hoxsk (Hawksk) is the mrkl doctor responsible for taking care of gladiators at Ṭaṣķ Ķõh-ṭõṕ’s Prime City Coliseum.
- Ibbix (Ib-bicks) is the chief cook at the slave quarters at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s mansion in Prime City.
- Sabhox (Sab-hox) is a mrkl house slave at the slave quarters of Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s mansion in Prime City.
- Soffix (Sawf-fix) is a mrkl house slave at Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ’s mansion in Prime City.
- Administrator Brixt (Brickst) is the norg administrator of Farm 36.
- Administrator Rorxt (Roarxt) is the norg administrator of Cotton Mill 3.
- Administrator Ť-loo-shss (Tuh-loo-shiss) is a tahku slave who was also rescued during the attack on the demon portal system. Paul Chapman’s best friend and mentor, she is also a scribe owned by the same powerful devil, Lord Commander Åṣh Ķåh-ṭõķ.