Grandma Buford’s Birthday

Miss Beula May Buford, of the Charleston Bufords, had been looking forward to this day for several months. It was her birthday, her 97th birthday, and she eagerly anticipated the arrival of four generations of Bufords who would gather around her in the day room of the Shady Grove Nursing Home. It was a family tradition for the entire Buford clan to come together and celebrate their matriarch’s birthday.

Although Miss Buford did not approve of everyone who had married into the Buford clan, she would never dream of letting the lamentable choices of some of her many descendants put a damper on her day. Not if she could enjoy the new babies and gush over how much the toddlers had grown. The children all called her grandma, a title Miss Buford thought far superior to that of mother, now that she was no longer responsible for the hard work of raising children.

So far, she had endured the indignity of having one of the nurses bathe her and help her into the white dress she wore just once a year on her birthday. How did I lose so much weight? Miss Buford thought when she realized that the dress sorely needed to be taken in a size or two. I really must eat more than one piece of the cake, even if it means I’ll pay for it later. No bout of bellyache was going to keep the old woman from enjoying her special day.

Miss Buford didn’t move a muscle as she patiently waited for her beautician to finish brushing her wig and apply her make up. Although the young woman used altogether too much powder on her sunken cheeks, the Buford matriarch wasn’t about to complain. Sadly, the increasingly annoying tremors of her age-spotted hands had made “putting on her Sunday face,” as she liked to call her morning ritual, impossible.

They’ll be here soon, Miss Buford silently thought as the woman put on the finishing touches to her makeup. What’s taking that girl so long? She would have said something to the woman about it, but the young woman wore a pair of earbuds and was listening to music that would surely drown out Miss Buford’s voice that had grown progressively weaker over the preceding months.

The beautician finished and stepped back to admire her handiwork. “There, that’s better,” she observed. “You look good, even if I do say so myself.”

Finally, all of her preparations were completed. Miss Buford was rolled out to the common room where she had nothing to do but wait for the many members of her clan to come and gather around their aged matriarch. And arrive they did. What’s more, several of her oldest and closest friends had also arrived to help her celebrate. Soon, they would step forward, give her their gifts, and help her open them. She would smile, invite the children up so they could wish her happy birthday and kiss her papery cheek.

Someone started playing the organ that sat in a corner by the window, and the first of many stepped forward. “Happy birthday, Grandma Buford,” a woman in her thirties said. I think that must be Ida, my great, great, niece on Herbert’s side, the old woman thought. Or is it Jackson’s wife, Suzanne? There are so many to keep track of, and my memory isn’t what it once was.

Grandma Buford’s cataracts had slowly worsened until everything had taken on a misty gray as though she were in a dense fog. And neither are my eyes, she thought. It’s so hard to see anymore. I wish the woman would come closer.

A young girl of eight or nine stood next to her mother. Ida nodded encouragingly and placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulders. “It’s okay, Mary,” she said.

The young girl hesitated and then reluctantly moved forward. She bent down to kiss her grandmother’s cheek. But at the last second, she pulled back and turned to her mother. “I’m sorry, mom. I can’t. I know it’s a family tradition, but I just can’t. Besides, that’s not Grandma, not really.”

Miss Buford didn’t know what to think. Why, I’m here, child. Right here.

“That’s okay, Mary. You’re right. She’s in a better place now. She’s with the Lord, and he’s taken all of her pain. Her suffering is over and gone forever.”

Miss Buford was positively perplexed, but as she drifted away, she realized the truth. Oh, my… It’s not really my birthday, and I’m not at Shady Grove after all; I’m at a funeral home… I’m coming, Grandpa. I’m finally coming home…

14 Responses to Grandma Buford’s Birthday

  1. Dennis says:

    Shocking but it was good to read but sad in one way as the story unfolded but the ending was so promising to be with love ones gone ahead

  2. Doretha says:

    I liked the story but it was a shock at the end to realize grandma was dead. But she wasn’t sad at all because she was going to meet her husband.

  3. Grace Henley says:

    Sad when I realized she was dead, but so glad that she was happy to soon be with her husband.

    • Gwen says:

      I enjoyed the story and I suspected early on that it was her funeral. But it was nice that she had a positive reaction to the knowledge that she was dead.

    • Tina Vineyard says:

      Wow. It’s a good read and it made me think that she was really having a party. So sad she was gone but happy her family was there to see her.

  4. Sherrae says:

    This short could be the beginning of a series. After all, 97 years is a lot of ground to cover to end with Grandma Buford finally making her way to Grandpa!

  5. Julie Wozniak says:

    I liked the story. I figured out what was going on early, but enjoyed the way you ended it.

  6. Valerie says:

    Interesting. I loved the ending. Great job.

  7. Suz-Anne Midgett says:

    Being southern, I knew from the start that Me Buford had passed. I always imagined my older relatives going through this when they died. Great story!

  8. Michele-Marie says:

    A sweet story, so nice to read, thank you for posting it. 🙂
    With the exception of some people who obviously have a brain and use it,
    Lesson to learn for today …….. YOU DON’T GIVE AWAY AN ENDING at least without a SPOILER ALERT!

  9. Antives Casteal says:

    I love the twist near the end of the story. I honestly thought it was just a sweet story about a elderly lady’s birthday party. Very good work.

  10. Ann Hupe says:

    Reminds me when I was a medical student, sitting next to a hospital bed, talking to patients about… recent dreams. The ones that foretold death coming closer and closer. A very unique bonding experience. Then the next day, the patient codes out of nowhere, and the nursing staff freaks out. Not me. After all, the patient and I already knew it was coming, and it was a good thing that wasn’t scary.

  11. Mary Grace Schaffnit says:

    I enjoyed it! I think the ending is just a new beginning! Perhaps I enjoyed it so much ,because I am the Matriarch of my Family . I’m not as old as Miss Buford, but I do understand her! Thank you for writing this short, short, story, and for sharing it! Wishing you continued success! MGS ♡ 🙂

  12. Michelle DeLeon says:

    I enjoyed this short story. Thank you for sharing it.

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