Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton


Cover of Hell Holes: Demons On The DaltonWith an army of demonic aliens on their heels, it’s a 350-mile race with simple rules. Win and live; lose and die!

Dive into the dangerous world of Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton, the heart-stopping sequel to Hell Holes 1: What Lurks Below. And take a harrowing journey through a rugged landscape being overrun by ravenous demons intent on conquest. This adrenaline-fueled adventure pits the survivors from the devastated research team against a relentless army of demonic aliens pouring out of hundreds of huge mysterious holes that appeared overnight in the Arctic permafrost.

When Alaska’s rugged landscape becomes a battleground for survival, geologist Jack Oswald, his climatologist wife Angele Menendez, and the ageless sorceress-demon-hunter Aileen O’Shannon must rely on their intelligence and courage to survive a treacherous 350-mile race down the Dalton Highway to the relative safety of Fairbanks. But the advancing horde of devils, imps, hellhounds, and gargoyles will stop at nothing to prevent their prey from escaping.

Firesmith masterfully blends heart-thumping action, spine-chilling danger, intense drama, and nail-biting suspense in a tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The vividly described Alaskan backdrop serves as the perfect stage for the epic struggle between the small group of survivors and the relentless alien invaders. The dynamic interplay between richly developed characters immerses you deeper into the Hell Holes universe, making the extraordinary events they face feel real and immediate.

Hell Holes: Demons on the Dalton is more than a fight for survival; it’s a testament to the unconquerable human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds. If you’re a fan of apocalyptic alien invasion science fiction, action-adventure, or horror that pits the indomitable will of humanity against powerful forces of evil, then this book is an absolute must-read.


Fiction > Science Fiction > Alien Invasion Science Fiction
Fiction > Science Fiction > Apocalyptic Science Fiction
Fiction > Science Fiction > First Contact Science Fiction

  • Fiction > Science Fiction > Military Science Fiction
  • Fiction > Fantasy > Dark Fantasy
    Fiction > Fantasy > Paranormal & Urban Fantasy

    Science Fiction Tropes

    Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton incorporates the following commonly used, genre-specific literary devices:

    • Advanced alien technology indistinguishable from magic
    • Alien invasion
    • Aliens as monsters (demons)
    • Armageddon
    • Evil aliens
    • Humans as food
    • Medical nanobots cure (alien) injuries
    • Secret society of protectors
    • Team of scientists
    • Teleportation between worlds


    #Alaska #AlienInvasion #ArcticCircle #AwardWinning #Climatologist #Demon #Devil #Gargoyle #Hell #HellHole #Horror #Imp #MilitaryScienceFiction #ScienceFiction #Survival

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    Book Trailer



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    Jennie E. Nicassio

    “—Chilling, thought-provoking, fast-paced masterpiece—
    Hell Holes: Demons on the Dalton is an edge of the seat, thrilling novel that hooks the reader on the very first page to the Highway to Hell and its army of demons! Firesmith’s storytelling excites and horrifies you at the same time making you want to turn the page to find out what’s in store for its characters!”
    Jennie E. Nicassio From The Sky Equinox Aurora's Curtain

    Aoife Marie Sheridan

    “The danger element is always there, and one scene that I found to be written exceptionally well was when they were driving through a wall of fire. I could almost feel the heat while reading it. I wanted book three even more than I had wanted book two, and I really can’t wait to get to read it. Overall, a fast and exciting read that I would recommend to all fantasy and sci-fi readers.”
    Aoife Marie Sheridan The Siskia Trilogy The Demon Series

    Amy Shannon – Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews

    Amy's Bookshelf 5-Star Review“Firesmith pens an intense, devil fighting, story in Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton. I have read work from this author before, and I really enjoyed it. The characters were strong, and intelligent. This author brings the story to life. The characters had a lot of depth, and were very realistic, even the extremely old sorceress, Aileen. It’s survival of the smartest and best, as the hounds of hell (and other magnificently evil creatures) emerge! This author is not just a writer but a great storyteller. This is a magnificent story, kept this reader turning the pages. The thrills and intrigue is written clearly and the characterizations are engrossing. Love this story. If you love a good demonic fighting, evil against more than just the good, but the strength of humanity, this book should be next on your list.” Original review

    Amy Shannon Contrary Measures Smashed Unwritten Life

    Dave Robertson

    “Another Winner in the Hell Holes Series… Hell Holes: Demons on the Dalton is another action-packed battle/race with demons that were introduced in the first book…. the story moves pretty steadily with liberal amounts of action and suspense… There are some other new elements in book 2, but I won’t spoil it for those who have yet to read it. If you like action/adventure, this book will not disappoint you. I’m looking forward to book 3.”
    Dave Robertson Strange Hunting Strange Hunting II The Ultimate Guide to Zombies

    Official Online Book Club Review

    “I was genuinely surprised how engaged I was with this story. I expected it to be a bit of fun and maybe an easy way to kill and afternoon. It was both, but also had a professionalism and maturity that, for me, took it to the next level.” – Original Review

    Brian’s Book Blog

    “Overall, Hell Holes: Demons on the Dalton was a wonderfully written book that had my heart pounding from beginning to end. A thriller through and through.” Original Review

    Book Reviews

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    Quotes from the Book

    • “He leaned towards me, and I did what any reasonable person would do when facing imminent death by being eaten alive. I screamed.”

    Author’s Commentary

    Oweynagat (which is pronounced “Owen-ne-gatt” and means Cave of the Cats) is the name of an actual cave located at Rath Croghan, Ireland. Ancient legends state that many evil and destructive creatures have emerged from the cave, especially on Samhain, the start of the Celtic New Year. These include a three-headed monster, wildcats, and red birds whose breath withered plants. Referred to as the hell-mouth of Ireland by medieval texts, the cave is also said to contain a portal to another world. It seemed a fitting place to be the source of the hellhounds that attacked Aileen’s village and killed her parents, the terrible event that led to her joining the Tutores Contra Infernum.

    With the exception of the hell holes, I have taken great pains to ensure that the Alaskan settings in the book are as they are in real life. To achieve this level of realism, I flew to Alaska, drove the Dalton Highway up to the Yukon River, and toured Eielson AFB. I have relied heavily on Google maps, Google maps street view, photographs of Coldfoot and the Trucker’s Café, and both photographs and articles on military equipment such as Strykers and Pave Hawk helicopters. I also used multiple military advisors.

    Video of Dalton Highway Site of the Forest Fire

    Publishing Information

    Publisher: Magical Wand Press
    Edition: Second edition
    Publication Date: 1 June 2016
    Pages: 197
    Words: 51,660
    Size: 5×8
    Language: English


    Hell Holes 2: Demons on the Dalton is available in the following formats:

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    eBook (.epub) Amazon.com Barnes & Noble Ingram Smashwords
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    Cataloging in Publication (CIP) Data Block

    Name: Firesmith, Donald
    Title: Hell Holes: Demons on the Dalton / by Donald Firesmith.
    Description: Second edition. | Pittsburgh : Magical Wand Press, 2015. | Series: Hell Holes, Volume 2. | Summary: Survivors of scientific team flee south along Dalton Highway being chased by demons. | Audience: Adult. | Language: English.
    Identifiers: ISBN: 978-1523241767 (Paperback – Amazon) | ASIN: B01FQA1EFI (Kindle ebook – Amazon) | ASIN: B08P2CTDMH (Audiobook – Amazon) | ISBN: 978-1987065152 (Paperback – Barnes&Noble) | BN ID: 2940161484647 (Kindle ebook – Barnes&Noble) | ISBN: 978-1684189120 (Paperback – Ingram) | ISBN: 978-1684189137 (ebook – Ingram) | ISBN: 978-1310637452 (ebook – Smashwords)
    Subjects: BISAC: FICTION / Action & Adventure. | FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal. | Fiction / Science Fiction / General. | LCSH: American–Fantasy–Fiction. | American–Paranormal–Fiction. | American–Science Fiction–Fiction.
    Classification: DDC 813.62 F57 2016

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